Our story
Mario Losantos del Campo was born in Calahorra in 1938 and died in Madrid, in 1999. A man of exceptional talent and great humanity, he was a unique figure in all facets of life: as a prominent businessman, poet, writer and as a great enthusiast of the arts and literature. He was distinguished by the strength of his ideals: he yearned for a better world and thus, as part of his legacy, expressed his desire for a non-profit entity to be created in his name, an entity designed to aid those most in need.
In March of 2000, his family established the Mario Losantos del Campo Foundation (FMLC, in its Spanish acronym). Since its creation, the Foundation’s primary objective has been to provide health and educational care – the core principle behind most of the projects it fosters.
Mission, vision, and values
FMLC is classified as a charitable-private welfare foundation, by a Spanish Ministerial Order dated on 1st March, 2000. Its social purpose is aimed at working towards striving for the integral development of the human being by undertaking actions focused on health and educational fields. Both of which contribute to generate changes aimed at achieving a fairer and improved society.
We pursue this end by:
The exhaustive study of the grieving process and by aiding people who are undergoing complicated grief processes, by providing them with psychological support.
The promotion of scientific research in oncological and neurodegenerative diseases fields.
Promoting the growth of local communities in developing countries, supporting projects that allow them to use their own resources and strengths to achieve their own self-management.
Encouraging human growth through awareness and comprehensive training that seeks, not only to acquire knowledge, but also to strengthen the personality of the individual in various aspects such as responsibility, ethics, criticism, participation, creativity and solidarity.
Organisational structure
Board Members
Mrs. Irene Ucha Madorrán
Ms. Sara Losantos Ucha
Ms. Eva Losantos Ucha
Mr. Mario Losantos Ucha
Mrs. Catalina Márquez Zamarrón
Mr. José Mª Riesgo de Pablo
Mr. Óscar Merino Frías
Vicesecretary (not a board member)
Mrs. Ana Alcocer Muñoz
Executive Team
General Manager
Mrs. Ana Alcocer Muñoz
Psychology Department
Ms. Sara Losantos Ucha
Ms. Patricia Díaz Seoane
Mrs. Rosa Sánchez Hernández
Mr. David Oslé Prieto
Media Manager
Ms. Vanessa González Fernández
Ms. Sandra Cuenca Pascual
Financial Information
The Mario Losantos del Campo Foundation is financed by MAORI EUROPEAN HOLDING, an enterprise owned by the Losantos Ucha family, which on a yearly basis designates part of its profits for the development and maintenance of the Foundation’s projects. Alongside this sponsorship, FMLC has various donors – both companies and individuals – that choose our entity’s projects to contribute to aid charitable causes.