With an estimated population of 15.9 million inhabitants, the Republic of Malawi is a landlocked country located in southeast Africa. For years it has been suffering a severe humanitarian crisis caused by a complex combination of factors: the country’s chronic poverty, dependence on a single crop (maize) and unfavourable climatic conditions. Land is their only source of wealth and it too has been at risk of degradation for decades, due to agricultural overexploitation.
Added to this is the frailty of its public health system, unable to cope with the ravages caused by malnutrition, endemic diseases such as tuberculosis and the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the population. In total, the country only has four reference hospitals available to assist its 18 million inhabitants. Nowadays, it is estimated that more than 65% of Malawi’s population survive below the poverty threshold and 85% live on subsistence farming.
Together with the Missionary Community of San Pablo Apóstol (MCSPA), we work to improve access to education in the region of Benga, located on the eastern side of the country, and aim to improve the quality of life and nutrition of the most vulnerable groups, especially the elderly and children.