Online Grief Intervention Course
Normally, a person experiencing a grieving process reaches out to a healthcare professional whilst in a vulnerable state, confused, full of doubts regarding the process or, occasionally, even being afflicted by a blocked or masked grieving process. Wondering how to act accordingly is an increasingly frequent doubt among professionals in this field. Thus, this course provides students with the required training to learn about the grieving process, as well as tools that allow them to face other people’s pain and manage situations with great emotional intensity. The Department of Health of the Community of Madrid, has granted the course with Continuing Education credits for healthcare professions, aimed at graduates in the fields of Medicine, Nursing or Psychology.
** Please keep in mind that this course is only available in Spanish.
Supervision Service
Aimed at psychologists assisting bereaved people, his service offers a space for them to make inquiries and express their doubts, contrast their working hypotheses, present their clinical cases and discuss them with the advice of one of our grief psychology experts, focused on finding the best intervention option for the patient.